Gibson Les Paul Cracked Neck Repair
Indeed ^ What Tackleberry said. I know a guy that's broken his Les Paul headstock off 4 times! Skrein The Eat Up Rar here. He gigs with it on a regular basis and it sounds great. I recently changed the tuners on that same guitar and the thing is very solid.
A Gold Top Gibson Les Paul. This one was built in 1969 shortly before the design changes of the Norlin era, making this a somewhat valuable guitar. Hard Tails, Les Pauls, Teles, Basic 4-string Basses, Ukulele, Acoustic 6-strings, Classical Acoustics, Stratocaster style guitars, Guitars with Bigsbys, Lapsteels. Locking Tremolo Guitars (Floyd Rose trems), 12-string guitars, Latin Instruments, 6-string Basses, Banjos, Jaguars & Jazzmasters (Includes shimming neck, taping. I see several used Gibson Les Paul Standards on eBay that have repaired neck cracks, which I know is a fairly common occurrence with Gibson -and are asking for trouble if you lay one of these guitars flat on its puts a lot of pressure on that neck/peg head area and it does not. Never did research on this before - if a headsdtock repair is done right, can the guitar live a normal healthy life - meaning is the playability impaired? I have heard some say that they can be as good or stronger than new? Second question - on a vintage piece (early 60s 335) what does a solid repair to a.

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