Armitron Pro Sport Watch Manual

Step 1 Locate the four metal buttons next to the face of the watch at four corners around the dial face. The user manual for the Armitron All-Sport watch labels the top button on the left “A,” the bottom left as “B,” the top right button as “C” and the bottom right as “D. Ahci Driver Windows 7 64 Bit here. ” Step 2 Press and hold the 'set' button, “A,” to set the time and date on your watch. This will cause the numbers on the face of the watch to flash. Press the “C” button to zero the number of seconds. Press “B” to advance the settings to hours and minutes. Press “C” to advance the hours and minutes to get the reading on the clock to match the actual time. Copyright © 2017 Leaf Group Ltd.
How to Set an Armitron Watch. There are several different models of Armitron watches. Northern Rail Trainee Train Driver Interview. Common models include a Standard Analog watch, a Calendar watch, a Multi-function analog watch, a Digital-Analog watch, and a Digital watch. Find product information, ratings and reviews for Women's Sport Digital Watch - Mint/White online on
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For some reason unknown, the Armitron Pro Sport watches were not packaged with the instructions. The Armitron website has instruction manuals for several of their watches, but not the Pro Sport. Armitron will mail the instructions if contacted by phone. Their customer support phone number is.
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